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St Cyprian Novena – A 9 Day Devotion to Saint Cyprian of Antioch

St Cyprian Novena – A 9 Day Devotion to Saint Cyprian of Antioch

St st cyprian novena is a 9 day devotion to Saint Cyprian of Antioch. It is said to be a powerful Catholic novena for healing, prosperity and blessings in love, business and life. It also invokes his intercession for converts and those wishing to become Christians.

This saint lived in a tumultuous period of the church, he was a leader and a good shepherd for his flock. He vigorously supported the unity of the Church and was kind to sinners. He is a patron saint for the sick, particularly if you have heart disease, diabetes or lung diseases, and for those seeking healing of their bodies, souls and minds. He is also a patron saint for a variety of other things, including the Christian family and marriage, the Christian death, almsgiving, and the papacy.

Divine Intercession: A Guide to the St. Cyprian Novena for Spiritual Assistance

Saint Cyprian was a renowned orator and lawyer before he converted to Christianity as an adult. Once he became a Christian, he immediately turned his talents to the service of the Church, giving away much of his wealth to those in need and becoming a bishop. He was a fervent supporter of the unity of the Church and of pious living, especially promoting the Lord’s Prayer and the Sacraments.

He was also a strong advocate for chastity. He was a good friend of Pope Cornelius and shared the same feast day, September 16, with him. He was a man of great learning and wrote many works on theology, the Bible, and pastoral concerns. It is believed that he had written books of spells and charms before his conversion, and he continued to use them during his time as a Christian.

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