Oil Painting For Beginners
Peinture à l’huile débutant first thing to remember about oil painting is that it takes a lot of time to dry; it requires the use of chemical solvents like turpentine (or odorless mineral spirits such as Gamsol) and it is not easily rinsed off brushes. This means you’ll want to invest in a quality set of oil paints that will allow for future purchases of additional colors. It’s also best to get a variety of brush sizes and shapes. Oil brushes can be more expensive than regular painting brushes but they last much longer and are better for mixing colors.
The key to oil painting is to build layers of paint. You will often find yourself working with a combination of thin transparent glazes and thick opaque paint depending on the subject and style you’re painting. Virtually any painting technique artists have ever invented is possible with oil paints.
Brushing Up: A Beginner’s Guide to Oil Painting Essentials
For beginners, it is recommended to start with a simple still-life or landscape and focus on learning the value transitions of your subject and how light affects every shape you draw. It is best to join a life drawing group if that’s available in your area, which will help you improve your drawing skills as well as your ability to translate them to an oil painting.
When you’re starting out with oil painting it is important to follow the ‘thick over thin’ method. This means each layer added will be less diluted than the previous one and that will ensure the paint will remain flexible.…